Being Lutheran Podcast
Being Lutheran Podcast
Being Lutheran Podcast Episode #80 - The Fourth Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Part 1

In this episode, Brett, Brian, and Jason begin their examination of the Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer.  The explanation to the Fourth Petition is so expansive in covering our daily needs that the Christian should realize how much God delights in providing for us.  Luther seems to be eliminating our need for prayer in the first four petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, but in that, we begin to realize that prayer is for our comfort.


  1. Thanks for the good show. As I was working through this for confirmation today, I couldn’t help but wonder how we would acknowledge this petition in the reality of global hunger and starvation that is a part of our world? Luther writes that God indeed gives daily bread to “all men”….and in the explanation, he writes that daily bread means “everything that is required to satisfy our bodily needs such as food…”. I guess you could say I am searching for the exception, but I am curious how you would explain that.

    1. That’s a great question, Jordan. I think we would point out the reality of suffering in a sinful and broken world and use Luther’s distinction that Satan is always working to upset God’s created order and good gifts. Does God give good gifts? Absolutely! Does God allow suffering for various reasons? Absolutely. Should the church be on the front lines of those who distribute daily bread to the poor and needy? Absolutely!

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